@Q1: Fine with us @Q2: We confirm that the postal code 78758 is correct. @Q3: Fine with us @Q4: Suggest to add definition in line F10: replace "The combination of a half-wave plate and polarization..." by "The combination of a half-wave plate (HWP) and polarization..." @Q5: Fine with us, thanks @Q6: In line 338/339: Please change "National Research Fund" to "National Research Foundation Singapore"; the respective fundref is http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001381 @Q7: We confirm that all the links in the references point to the correct papers. @Q8: We suggest to rephrase and slightly extend the references to the supplemental material as follows: For reference [19], please use: "See Supplemental Material, section I, at [link] for modeling the violation of CHSH by a Poissonian source of qubit pairs as found in continuously pumped parametric down-conversion sources." For reference [29], please use: "See Supplemental Material, section II, at [link] for the details of the protocol and a security proof with explicit security parameters, and section III for a simpler approximate input-output randomness analysis." For reference [32], please use: "See Supplemental Material, section IV, at [link] for the details of the Trevisan-based random bit extraction procedure, the parameters used for the process, and results of some standard randomness tests." @Q9: The correct citation for this work according to the repository is as follows - please adjust accordingly to PRL journal style: S. M. Hegde, S. M. Hegde, K. L. Schepler, K. L. Schepler, R. D. Peterson, R. D. Peterson, D. E. Zelmon, D. E. Zelmon, } "Room-temperature near IR fluorescence of high optical quality KTP", Proc. SPIE 6552, Laser Source Technology for Defense and Security III, 65520V (10 May 2007); doi: 10.1117/12.718475; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.718475 @Q10: The change to article number 16026 in the proofs is correct, thanks! @Q11: Fine with us. We have also updated the supplemental material such that it contains a repository link to the code we use. The updated file is attached. As we are not sure who handles changes in supplemental material, please do let us know if we should direct this to someone else if you don't handle this.