Dear Dr. Garisto, thank you for considering an additional referee. We updated our manuscript to address the comments of referee C: 1. We added two references to overview articles on testing Bell inequalities with entangled photons -- one suggested by the referee [Physics Reports 413, 319 (2005)], and a more recent one, capturing the developments over the last decade or so [ N. Brunner et al, Rev. Mod. Phys. 86, 419 (2014)]. This should provide a good overview to the wider readership. 2. To the comment of pointing out the advantage of the scheme presented in our manuscript - we feel that all new points are really described, and we really want to stay away from an article in PRL becoming a marketing press release. However, perhaps to make it more prominent, we added a sentence at the end of the introduction that should summarize the advantage clearly: "The simplification of the definition of an experimental round and the absence of an intrinsic dead time found in experiments with pulsed photon pairs sources [11,12] lead to a competitive randomness generation rate with a total acquisition time in the order of tens of minutes instead of the tens of hours." As the references have changed, we also updated the supplemental material to match the reference indices of the revised manuscript. With this, we hope to have addressed the comments, and are looking forward hearing from you. Best Regards, Christian Kurtsiefer