Please find enclosed a manuscript entitled "Randomness extraction from Bell violation with continuous parametric down conversion". We present an experiment where we carry out a detection-loophole free Bell test on non-maximally entangled polarization states of photon pairs with a high overall system efficiency. Complementary to experiments preparing certified randomness that prepare entangled quantum states in a measurement-ready manner, we continuously detect all photon pairs emerging from a source, and use a dynamic definition of what consists a "measurement round" in our experiment. With this, we are able to observe an unprecedented degree of violation of a detection-loophole free Bell test for a photonic system, and extract random bits with an unprecedented rate, both in an asymptotic limit, and a practical limit with a finite number of events. We feel that Physical Review Letters would be a suitable avenue for this combined theoretical and experimental work, both in line with previous experiments in this direction, and for the focus on physics in the manuscript. The current manuscript exceeds the length of a typical Letter due to appendices we dedicated to explain a detailed quantum optical model of the detection rates, a security proof of the extracted randomness, and the randomness extraction procedure. This material is mostly an elaboration on known ideas and techniques, but we wanted to keep it together with the main text for a reader to understand our work better. We could move it into supplementary materials, but would be open to any suggestion in case the manuscript is found suitable for Physical Review Letters.