# plot with labels generated using latex # to obtain the final PDF file run in sequence: # gnuplot plot_phase_latex.gnu # latex plot_phase.tex # to generate a PDF: # dvipdf plot_phase.dvi plot_phase.pdf # to generate EPS instead use: # dvips -E -o plot_phase.eps plot_phase.dvi set terminal epslatex 'phv' standalone color colortext 8 size 11cm, 7cm set output 'plot_phase.tex' set sample 1000,1000 set border 3 set nobar set multiplot layout 3,1 set colors classic # Fitting function f(x)=(x>=0?bg+((g**2)*(r**2)*exp(-(x-x0)/t1))+((g**2)*exp(-(x-x0)/t2))+(2*(g**2)*r*exp(-(x-x0)*((1/(2*t1))+(1/(2*t2))))*cos((2*pi*0.266*(x-x0))+p)):1) ### alignment aids TOP=0.98 BOTT = 0.03 DY = 0.29 PTSZ = 0.25 LABX = -9 LABY = 550 ### Bottommost plot, with labels set tmargin at screen TOP-3*DY+PTSZ+BOTT set bmargin at screen TOP-3*DY+BOTT set ylabel ' ' offset 1 set ytics 200 set xtics 5 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror set format y "%4.0f" set format x "%2.0f" set xlabel '$\Delta$t (ns)' set format '%g' # set label 3 'Coincidence events' at first -15, first 600 rotate by 90 set label 1 'signal: $|L\rangle$' at first 25, first 400 set label 2 'idler: $|L\rangle$' at first 25, first 250 set label 3 '(c)' at first LABX, first LABY x0=0;g=10;r=2.0;t1=5.6;t2=13.1;p=pi;bg=40 fit [0:] f(x) 'pump_HV_out_LL_processed.dat' u ($1-459.2):2 via g,bg plot [-10:40] 'pump_HV_out_LL_processed.dat' u ($1-459.2):2:(sqrt($2)) w yerrorbars notitle pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb "red", f(x) lc rgb "#007700" lw 2 lt 2 notitle #### Middle plot set tmargin at screen TOP-2*DY+PTSZ+BOTT set bmargin at screen TOP-2*DY+BOTT set ylabel 'Coincidence events' offset 1 unset xlabel set ytics 200 set xtics 5 set format x "" set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror # set format x "" set label 1 'signal: $|V\rangle$' at first 25, first 400 set label 2 'idler: $|H\rangle$' at first 25, first 250 set label 3 '(b)' at first LABX, first LABY x0=0;g=10;r=0.7;t1=5.6;t2=13.1;p=0.0;bg=0.01 fit [-0:] f(x) 'pump_HV_out_VH_processed.dat' u ($1-459.2):2 via g,bg plot [-10:40]'pump_HV_out_VH_processed.dat' u ($1-459.2):2:(sqrt($2)) w yerrorbars notitle pt 7 ps 0.5 lc rgb "red", f(x) lc rgb "#007700" lw 2 lt 2 notitle #### Topmost plot set tmargin at screen TOP-DY+PTSZ+BOTT set bmargin at screen TOP-DY+BOTT set ytics 200 set xtics 5 set format x "" unset xlabel set ylabel ' ' offset 1 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror x0=0;g=0.1;r=35;t1=5.6;t2=13.1;p=pi;bg=15 set label 1 'signal: $|H\rangle$' at first 25, first 400 set label 2 'idler: $|V\rangle$' at first 25, first 250 set label 3 '(a)' at first LABX, first LABY fit [0:] f(x) 'out_HV_new_4ns.dat' u ($1-459.2):2 via g,bg plot [-10:40][0:600] 'out_HV_new_4ns.dat' u ($1-459.2):2:(sqrt($2)) w yerrorbars notitle pt 7 ps 0.5,f(x) lc rgb "#007700" lw 2 lt 2 notitle unset multiplot