set terminal postscript enhanced eps color solid size 8.6cm,2.6cm font "Helvetica,11pt" set output "bandwidth.eps" set border 3 set bars 0 set isosamples 40,40 set samples 400,400 # Data file : bandwidth_new.dat # col 1 : Detuning # col 2 : Measured coincidences (Heralded) # col 3 : coincidences corrected for losses # col 4 : Measured 795 singles # col 5 : Error in col 3 propagated from losses and statistical error of col 2 # col 6 : statistical error of col 4 # col 7 : error in x due to frequency uncertainity from voltage supplied to piezo #set terminal wxt enhanced font "Helvetica,16" unset label set multiplot T(x)=B+(A/del)*((sqrt(1+F))/(1+(F*(sin(3.14*(x-x0)*1e6/del))**2))); A=2.61943e10; x0=0.66; F=83347; B=0; del=12.8e9; set size 0.52,1 set origin 0,0 set ytics 150 # setting the format here the same for both plots ensures that the # y axis text uses the same space in both plots, and ensures that the # axes and the text is aligned. the %4.0f format is chosen to hold integer # numbers up to four decimals set format y "%4.0f" #set format x "" #set ylabel font "Helvetica,12" "Coincidences" set label font "Helvetica,11" "Coincidences" at first -68, first 100 rotate by 90 #degrees #set xlabel font "Helvetica,18" "Detuning (MHz)" set xtics 15 nomirror set xlabel "" set ytics nomirror #Added 2.09381 MHz to x-axis to have peak at 0 MHz. 0.153 MHz/mV is piezo transfer function. 800 dark counts in 1 min. set xlabel font "Helvetica,11" "Detuning (MHz)" #set encoding iso_8859_1 set label font "Helvetica,11" "FWHM=\n 24.7 {/Symbol \261} 1.4 MHz" at first 10, first 600 #set label font "Helvetica,11" "{/Symbol t} = 6.8 \261 2 ns" at first 10, first 600 #set label font "Helvetica,11" "theoretical\nmodel" at first 85, first 250 #set arrow from 95,360 to 97,300 #set arrow from -12,13000 to 13,13000 heads filled set label font "Helvetica,10" "OD = 32" at first -40, first 620 plot [-50:50][10:700] 'bandwidth_new.dat' u 1:2:7:(sqrt($2)) w xyerrorbars notitle pt 5 ps 0.3, T(x) notitle lw 1 lc rgb "blue" #plot [-50:50][500:8200] 'bandwidth_new.dat' u 1:4:7:(sqrt($4)) w xyerrorbars notitle pt 5 #ps 0.3 lc rgb "#990099", T(x) notitle lw 1 lc rgb "black" #A=2.25494e11; x0=0; F=148613; B=800; del=12.8e9; #set xlabel "" #set format x "" #set size 0.57,0.52 #set origin 0,0 #set ytics 2000 #set ylabel font "Helvetica,12" "Unheralded events" #set label font "Helvetica,11" "FWHM=\n 18.3(1.3) MHz" at first 12, first 6000 #set arrow from -10,4000 to 10,4000 heads filled #set label font "Helvetica,10" "OD = 32" at first -30, first 21 #set format x "%2.0f" #set xlabel font "Helvetica,12" "Detuning (MHz)" #plot [-50:50][500:8200] 'bandwidth_new.dat' u 1:4:7:(sqrt($4)) w xyerrorbars notitle pt 5 #ps 0.3 lc rgb "#990099", T(x) notitle lw 1 lc rgb "black" #plot [-50:50][10:700] 'bandwidth_new.dat' u 1:2:7:(sqrt($2)) w xyerrorbars notitle pt 5 ps 0.3, T(x) notitle lw 1 lc rgb "blue" set format x "%2.0f" set xlabel font "Helvetica,12" "Detuning (MHz)" set size 0.51,1 set origin 0.5,0 f(x)=5.746*(a*x+1) a=0.0986812 set ylabel "" set xlabel font "Helvetica,11" "Optical Density" #set y2label font "Helvetica,11" "Idler bandwidth (MHz)" set label font "Helvetica,11" "Idler bandwidth (MHz)" at first 12, first 5 rotate by 90 #set label font "Helvetica,12" "Heralded" textcolor rgb "red" at first 25, first 25 rotate #by 30 #set label font "Helvetica,12" "Unheralded" textcolor rgb "#990099" at first 25, first 10 #rotate by 30 set xtics 5 set ytics 5 #plot [15:35] [5:30] 'bandwidth_vs_od.dat' u 1:3:2:4 w xyerrorbars pt 7 ps 1 notitle, #’bandwidth_vs_od.dat' u 1:5:2:6 w xyerrorbars pt 6 ps 1 lc rgb "#990099" notitle, f(x) lc #rgb "black" lw 1 notitle plot [15:35] [5:30] 'bandwidth_vs_od.dat' u 1:3:2:4 w xyerrorbars pt 7 ps 1 notitle,f(x) lc rgb "blue" lw 1 notitle unset multiplot