#!/usr/bin/gnuplot # Plots the "missing" time-integrated transmission = extinction for varying photon bandwidth #set terminal qt size 550,362 enhanced font 'Arial,18' persist # Line width of the axes set border linewidth 1.5 # solution for epsilon: lambda = 0.03 tx(x) = lambda*(1-lambda) * 4 / (1+x) ## input file ## #old numerical theory #infile_extinction_theory='data_fig_tx/Extinction_model_eta0.03' #infile_extinction_theory_high='data_fig_tx/Extinction_model_eta0.031' #infile_extinction_theory_low='data_fig_tx/Extinction_model_eta0.029' infile_extinction_data_decaying='data_fig_tx/extinction_data_summary_decaying' infile_extinction_data_rising='data_fig_tx/extinction_data_summary_rising' #### Fit lambda #### fit tx(x) infile_extinction_data_decaying u (26.23/$1):(1-$3):((26.23/$1)*($2/$1)):($4) xyerrors via lambda # fitted value: lambda=0.031303 +/- 0.001174 # 0.0305 +/- 0.0012 without the rising exp point ################# unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,22" size 12.6cm,8cm set output "fig_tx.eps" set ytics 1 nomirror format "%g" set yr [0.0:4.95] set xtics autofreq nomirror set xr [1.5:6.5] #set xr [4:14] set xlabel "Relative bandwidth {/Symbol G}_p / {/Symbol G}_0" set ylabel "Extinction {/Symbol e} (%)" set border 3 unset grid unset bars unset key #old plot: #plot "< paste data_fig_4/Extinction_model_eta0.029 data_fig_4/Extinction_model_eta0.031" using ($1):($2*100):($4*100) with filledcurves below lc rgb "grey" t '', \ #infile_extinction_theory u ($1):($2*100) w lines lw 3 lc rgb "blue" notitle,\ #plot infile_extinction_data_rising u (26.23/$1):((1-$3)*100):((26.23/$1)*($2/$1)):($4*100) w xyerrorbars pt 6 ps 2 lc rgb "black" lw 3 t "rising exp",\ plot\ tx(x)*100 lw 3 lc rgb "black", \ infile_extinction_data_decaying u (26.23/$1):((1-$3)*100):((26.23/$1)*($2/$1)):($4*100) w xyerrorbars pt 7 ps 2 lc rgb "red" lw 3 #t "decaying exp"