#!/usr/bin/gnuplot #set terminal qt size 550,362 enhanced font 'Arial,18' persist # Line width of the axes set border linewidth 1.5 # theory: lambda = 0.033 tau_0 = 26.23 pemax(x) = 4*lambda*(tau_0/x)**((tau_0+x)/(x-tau_0)) # #tx_fit(x) = lambda*(1-lambda) * 4 / (1+x) #lambda_fix = 0.033 #tx(x) = lambda_fix*(1-lambda_fix) * 4 / (1+x) ## input file ## infile_extinction_data_decaying='tx_safwm_full_analysis/tx_safwm_summary.dat' #### Fit lambda #### #fit tx_fit(x) infile_extinction_data_decaying u (26.23/$1):($3) via lambda ################# unset log # remove any log-scaling unset label # remove any previous labels set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font "Helvetica,22" size 12.6cm,8cm set output "fig_pemax.eps" set ytics 1 nomirror format "%g" set ytics 1 set ytics add ("0" 0,"1" 1, "2" 2) set xtics autofreq nomirror set xr [0:6.5] #set xr [4:14] set xlabel "Relative bandwidth {/Symbol G}_p / {/Symbol G}_0" set ylabel "{/Times-Italic P_{e,max}} (x10^{-2})" set border 3 set key right top unset grid unset bars # set key invert unset key plot pemax(tau_0/x)*100 lw 3 lc rgb "blue" t "Eq.6 with {/Symbol L}=3.3%", \ infile_extinction_data_decaying u (26.23/$1):(100*$5):(($2*26.23/($1*$1))):(100*$6) w xyerrorbars pt 7 ps 2 lc rgb "red" lw 3 t "experiment" unset output #pause -1