# summary of the extinction values # errors on transmission are based on the 100-atom bunch method without any weighting # transmission is integrated over a 6-tau time interval (from -1 to +5 tau with respect to the largest point in the histogram) # based on files: # [tx values spreadsheet, taken on 2016-01-08] # # #decay_time_ns uncertainty rel_transmission uncertainty #13.26 0.93 0.9559 0.002 #this is the for the rising shape 13.26 0.93 0.9582 0.0019 10.07 0.5 0.9664 0.002 7.08 0.22 0.9744 0.0021 5.61 0.27 0.9831 0.0019 4.36 0.21 0.9830 0.0022