#set multiplot layout 2,1 filename="processed_histogram_with_yerror_bars/results.sorted" filename8="processed_histogram_with_yerror_bars_8ns_bin/results.sorted" #rootdir="/mnt/buffalo/" rootdir="./" square="sq_pulse/" exp="exp_pulse/vary_photon_number_perkin_elmer_" #### Columns for square pulse #### data_filename=1 p_tran=2 p_tran_err=3 od_used=4 photon_no=5 photon_err=6 p_refl_flou=7 p_refl_flou_err=8 p_refl_flou_bg=9 p_refl_flou_bg_err=10 p_refl_scat=11 p_refl_scat_err=12 flou_lifetime=13 flou_lifetime_err=14 max_p_refl=15 max_p_refl_err=16 #### "Columns for exponential pulse #### exp_risetime=17 exp_risetime_err=18 fit_lambda=19 fit_lambda_err=20 fit_photon_no=21 fit_photon_err=22 #### End "Columns #### currentdir="`pwd`" cd rootdir #### Styles #### set style line 1 lc 1 lw 3 set style line 2 lc 3 lw 3 set style line 3 lc 4 lw 3 #### Normalising detection probablity to rho 22 #### timebin=1.0 timebin8=8.0 lifetime=26.3 effiency=0.3 overlap=0.03 rho(x)=x/(overlap*effiency*(timebin/lifetime)) rho_d(x)=x/(overlap*effiency) rho8(x)=x/(overlap*effiency*(timebin8/lifetime)) rho_d8(x)=x/(overlap*effiency) unset logscale xy set logscale x set key left #### Plotting maximum probability of detector click vs average photon number #### MACROS # x- and ytics for each row resp. column set macros NOXTICS = "set xtics; set format x ''; unset xlabel" XTICS = "set xtics; set format x '10^{%L}'; set xlabel '{/Symbol \341}N{/Symbol \361}' offset 0,0.3" NOYTICS = "set format y ''; unset ylabel" YTICS = "set format y '%.1f'; set ylabel 'P_{e,max}' offset 1,0" TMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.95; set bmargin at screen 0.55" BMARGIN = "set tmargin at screen 0.5; set bmargin at screen 0.12" LMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.12; set rmargin at screen 0.52" RMARGIN = "set lmargin at screen 0.55; set rmargin at screen 0.95" set yrange [0:1] y_stretch=1e0 #set xlabel 'N' font 'Helvetica, 20' #set ylabel 'P_{e,max}' font 'Helvetica, 20' #set xtics font 'Helvetica, 20' #set ytics font 'Helvetica, 20' set terminal postscript enhanced color eps size 8.6cm,6cm font "Helvetica,16pt" set output '../rho22_max_p_vs_n_a.eps' set key at 200,0.24 unset label set multiplot layout 2,2 ## GRAPH 1 @NOXTICS ; @YTICS ; @TMARGIN ; @LMARGIN set label 1 "{/Symbol t} = 5 ns" at graph 0.05,0.88 set label 2 "exp" at 5,0.6 tc lt 3 set label 3 "square" at 200,0.3 tc lt 1 set xrange [1:9000] plot square.'5ns/'.filename u (column(photon_no)):(rho(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 7 ps 1 lt 1 lc 1 lw 1 notitle,\ exp.'5ns/'.filename u (column(photon_no)):(rho(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 6 ps 1 lt 1 lc 3 lw 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_5.txt' u 1:2 \ w l lc 3 lw 2 lt 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_5.txt' u 1:3 \ w l lc 1 lw 2 lt 1 notitle ## GRAPH 2 @NOXTICS ; @NOYTICS ; @TMARGIN ; @RMARGIN set label 1 "{/Symbol t} = 15 ns" set label 2 "exp" at 5,0.6 tc lt 3 set label 3 "square" at 100,0.3 tc lt 1 set xrange [1:10000] plot square.'15ns/'.filename u (column(photon_no)):(rho(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 7 ps 1 lt 1 lc 1 lw 1 notitle,\ exp.'15ns/'.filename u (column(photon_no)):(rho(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 6 ps 1 lt 1 lc 3 lw 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_15.txt' u 1:2 \ w l lc 3 lw 2 lt 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_15.txt' u 1:3 \ w l lc 1 lw 2 lt 1 notitle ## GRAPH 3 @XTICS ; @YTICS ; @BMARGIN ; @LMARGIN set label 1 "{/Symbol t} = 60 ns" set label 2 "exp" at 300,0.4 tc lt 3 set label 3 "square" at 50,0.88 tc lt 1 # unset label 2 # unset label 3 set xrange [1:9000] plot square.'60ns/'.filename u (column(photon_no)):(rho(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 7 ps 1 lt 1 lc 1 lw 1 notitle,\ exp.'60ns/'.filename u (column(photon_no)):(rho(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 6 ps 1 lt 1 lc 3 lw 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_60.txt' u 1:2 \ w l lc 3 lw 2 lt 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_60.txt' u 1:3 \ w l lc 1 lw 2 lt 1 notitle ## GRAPH 4 @XTICS ; @NOYTICS ; @BMARGIN ; @RMARGIN set label 1 "{/Symbol t} = 250 ns" set label 2 "exp" at 400,0.2 tc lt 3 set label 3 "square" at 10,0.55 tc lt 1 set xrange [1:10000] plot square.'250ns/'.filename8 u (column(photon_no)):(rho8(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho8(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 7 ps 1 lt 1 lc 1 lw 1 notitle,\ exp.'250ns/'.filename8 u (column(photon_no)):(rho8(column(max_p_refl))*y_stretch):photon_err:(rho8(column(max_p_refl_err))*y_stretch) \ w xyerror axes x1y1 pt 6 ps 1 lt 1 lc 3 lw 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_250.txt' u 1:2 \ w l lc 3 lw 2 lt 1 notitle,\ '../theory_plots/raw_data/evss_pmax_n/pmax_003_250.txt' u 1:3 \ w l lc 1 lw 2 lt 1 notitle unset multiplot unset output