set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font 'Helvetica, 16pt' size 8.6cm, 6cm dl .5 set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "black" lw 2.5 set style line 3 lt 1 pt 6 ps .2 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 3 set style line 4 lt 1 pt 6 ps .2 lc rgb "#f7a789" lw 3 set style line 5 lt 1 pt 6 ps .2 lc rgb "#e36a53" lw 3 set style line 6 lt 1 pt 6 ps .2 lc rgb '#b40426' lw 3 set style line 7 lt 1 pt 5 ps 1.1 lc rgb "orange" lw 3 set style line 10 lt 1 lc 0 lw 0.3 set style line 11 lt 1 pt 6 ps .2 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 3 set style line 12 lt 1 pt 4 ps 1.1 lc rgb "orange" lw 6 set style line 13 lt 1 pt 6 ps .7 lc rgb "#b40426" lw 3 set style line 14 lt 1 pt 6 ps 0 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 3 unset bars set size 1.1, 1.3 set output 'angle_wavelength2.eps' set multiplot set ylabel 'Angle of incidence {/Symbol-Oblique q}_{/Helvetica-Oblique i} ' offset 1.5,0 set x2tics set ytics nomirror set autoscale x2fix set xtics nomirror set x2label 'Idler wavelength (nm)' set xlabel 'Signal wavelength (nm)' set x2tics ( '1750' 526, '1600' 542, '1450' 562 , '1300' 588, '1150' 625, '1000' 680) unset key fname = 'wave_angle_simu2.txt' fmeas = 'wave_angle_measured2.txt' set arrow from 530,21 to 526, 43.6-16.9 set arrow from 530,21 to 533, 43.6-17.9 set label 'OG530' at 522, 20.5 set arrow from 545,19.5 to 542, 43.6-18.9 set arrow from 545,19.5 to 548, 43.6-19.9 set label 'OG550' at 537, 19 set arrow from 560,17 to 555, 43.6-20.9 set arrow from 560,17 to 562, 43.6-21.9 set arrow from 560,17 to 570, 43.6-22.9 set label 'OG570' at 553, 16.5 set arrow from 585,15.5 to 579, 43.6-23.9 set arrow from 585,15.5 to 589, 43.6-24.9 set label 'OG590' at 577, 15 set arrow from 605,14 to 599, 43.6-25.9 set arrow from 605,14 to 610, 43.6-26.9 set label 'RG610' at 597, 13.5 set arrow from 623,12.5 to 622, 43.6-27.9 set label 'RG630' at 614, 12 set arrow from 639,11.2 to 634, 43.6-28.9 set arrow from 639,11.2 to 647, 43.6-29.9 set label 'RG645' at 630, 10.8 set arrow from 667,11 to 661, 43.6-30.9 set label 'RG665' at 660, 10.6 set yrange [10:27] plot fname u ($1):(43.6-$3) ls 14 with lines,\ fmeas u ($1):(43.6-$3):4 ls 6 with xerrorbars,\ set size 0.55,0.58 set origin 0.53,0.58 set obj 1 rectangle behind from graph 0.,0. to graph 1,1 set obj 1 fillstyle solid 1.0 fillcolor rgbcolor "white" unset ylabel unset xlabel unset label unset arrow unset key unset x2tics unset x2label set title "OG570" offset 0,-1 set xrange [538:593] set xtics 20 set yrange [0:95] set ytics 20 set object 1 rectangle from 0, 0 to 562, 29 fillstyle empty border lc "black" dt 2 set object 2 rectangle from 0, 0 to 570, 58 fillstyle empty border lc "black" dt 2 set object 3 rectangle from 0, 0 to 579, 79 fillstyle empty border lc "black" dt 2 set xtics ( '562' 562, '570' 570, '579' 579 ) offset -1.2 set xtics rotate by -30 set ytics offset 0.6,0.2 set ytics ( '29' 29, '58' 58, '79' 79 ) set ylabel ' Tranmission (%)' offset 1.6,0 set xlabel 'Wavelength (nm)' offset 2.2,0.2 fname = 'tranmission_OG570' plot fname u ($1):($2) ls 11 pt 0 with line ,\