set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font 'Helvetica, 16pt' size 8.6cm, 8cm dl .5 set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "black" lw 2.5 set style line 3 lt 1 pt 6 ps 1 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 3 set style line 4 lt 1 pt 6 ps 1 lc rgb "#f7a789" lw 3 set style line 5 lt 1 pt 6 ps 1 lc rgb "#e36a53" lw 3 set style line 6 lt 1 pt 6 ps 1 lc rgb '#b40426' lw 3 set style line 7 lt 1 pt 5 ps 1.1 lc rgb "orange" lw 3 set style line 10 lt 1 lc 0 lw 0.3 set style line 11 lt 1 pt 6 ps 1 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 3 set style line 12 lt 1 pt 4 ps 1.1 lc rgb "orange" lw 6 set style line 13 lt 1 pt 6 ps .7 lc rgb "#b40426" lw 3 set style line 14 lt 1 pt 6 ps 0 lc rgb "#034E7B" lw 3 set output 'fwhm_ingaas.eps' unset bars # set border 3 lw 3 # set size 1.1, 1 # set lmargin screen .1 set multiplot layout 5,1 margins 0.14,0.995,.1,.99 spacing 0,0.03 # set x2tics set autoscale x2fix set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror set ylabel 'Jitter (ps) ' offset 1.6,-0 # set xlabel 'Wavelength (nm)' set xtics 100 set ytics 2 # set y2tics 165,15, 220 unset key fname = 'all_paras.txt' # stats "FWHM_ing.txt" u 1:2 nooutput # set yrange [0:1.1] # fname2 = 'fit.txt' # set xtics auto # set xtics format ' ' # set tmargin at screen 1 - top_margin # set label 1 "(a)" at screen 0.15, 1 - top_margin - 0.05 # set label 2 "L = L' = L_o" at screen 0.9, 1 - top_margin - 0.05 right # set bmargin at screen 1 - top_margin - plot_height # set xtics nomirror; set ytics nomirror # range_Dt = 200 set xrange [1140 : 1660] # set ytics 1000 set yrange [192: 201] set label 1 "(a)" at 1150,199.6 # set label 1 "(a)" at screen 0.05, 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots - 0.05 set ytics 4 set xtics ('' 1200, ' ' 1300 ,' ' 1400, ' ' 1500, ' ' 1600 ) set x2tics ('' 1200, ' ' 1300 ,' ' 1400, ' ' 1500, ' ' 1600 ) plot fname u 1:($3):2:($4) ls 6 pt 6 ps 1 lw 3 with xyerrorbars # set tmargin at screen 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots # # set label 3 "(b)" at screen 0.15, 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots - 0.05 # # set label 4 "L = L' = (L_o+5)" at screen 0.9, 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots - 0.05 right # set bmargin at screen 1-top_margin-plot_height-dist_between_plots-plot_height # set xtics auto set yrange [2.6: 3.8] set ytics (2.6, 3.1, 3.6) set label 1 "(b)" at 1150,3.6 # set xtics format ' ' set ylabel'{R}' offset 1.5 plot fname u 1:($5):2:($6) ls 2 pt 6 ps 1 lw 3 with xyerrorbars # ls 5 pt 6 ps 0 lc with lines,\ # smooth csplines t "cubic smooth" set yrange [103:115] set ytics (103.,108,113) set label 1 "(c)" at 1150,113 set ylabel' {/Symbol D} t (ps) ' offset 1.5 plot fname u 1:(-$7):2:($8) ls 5 pt 6 ps 1 lw 3 with xyerrorbars set yrange [70:74.5] set ytics (70,72,74) set label 1 "(d)" at 1150,73.7 set ylabel '{/Symbol s}_1 (ps) ' offset 0.6,0 plot fname u 1:($9):2:($10) ls 1 pt 6 ps 1 lw 3 with xyerrorbars set yrange [101:107.5] set ytics (101.,104,107) set label 1 "(e)" at 1150,106.4 set ylabel '{/Symbol s}_2 (ps) ' offset 1.6,-0 set xtics (1200,1300,1400,1500,1600) offset 0,0.3 set xlabel 'Wavelength (nm)' offset 0,0.2 plot fname u 1:($11):2:($12) ls 9 pt 6 ps 1 lw 3 with xyerrorbars