Dear Editor, we appreciate the referee's comments on a more detailed discussion on an assessment of the systematic errors of our measurement which tries to closely approach Tsirelson's bound, and the suggestion to elaborate more on the nature of Grinbaum's bound. We tried to address both issues in the revised version of the manuscript. Regarding the call for a systematic error analysis, we perhaps like to to point out that most of the systematic errors considered in the two papers cited by the referee, the CODATA paper (P. Mohr et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 84, 1527 (2012)) or the recent EDM paper (The ACME Collaboration, Science 343, 269 (2014)), are a consequence of the indirect measurement technique necessary for some of the quantities. Our measurement of the Bell quantity S is as direct a measurement as possible, notwithstanding the experimental loopholes we are not able to address in the setup (and thus require a fair sampling assumption). However, we did look into possible systematics that could affect our error estimation and final value. As made explicit in Eq.(3) of the manuscript, the quantity that is directly observed is the number of coincidence counts in a fixed time and for a given position of the polarization filters. The various coincidence counts are a function of the actual photon pair rate, the detector efficiency, dead time of the detectors, the time uncertainty of the electronic counter, and an alignment uncertainty of the polarization filters in corresponding measurements. In the current version of the manuscript, we elaborated on all these factors to support our initial claim that the uncertainty in the value we present is indeed dominated by Poissonian counting statistics. Specifically, we addressed the following sources for uncertainties: Poissonian counting statistics - This originally quoted uncertainty due to the limited number of events contributes about 4.9e-4 uncertainty to the value of S. We did verify that this uncertainty corresponds to the standard deviation of a few subsets we divided the original data in, but we would have no reason to believe that time translation invariance of the generation process is not valid. This number did change compared to the previous version of the manuscript when reviewing the statistical analysis, from 0.00082 to 0.00049, because we overestimated contributions from different coincidence counts. Detector efficiency - it is reasonable to assume for Silicon avalanche photodetectors that they remains stable over a period much longer than the realization of the presented measurement, approximatively one week. The really relevant time span of stability that would affect the result of the violation S is the cycling time it takes us to evaluate all settings and their complements, e.g. the time difference between a corresponding H and V polarization measurement. This time is 8 minutes, and we have no indication of a drift of detector efficiencies over that time scale. Another effect on detection efficiencies would be the dead time of our devices (about 1.6 microseconds), but this is only a second order effect as the single event rate is approximatively 5000 counts per second, and does not vary significantly as a function of the measurement settings, or over time. Detector dead time - the Silicon avalanche photodetectors we use in the experiment have a dead time of 1.6e-6 s. Fluctuations of the total acquisition time due to the dead time are proportional to the square root of the the number of single counts. Propagating this uncertainty to the calculated value of S, we obtain a correction in the order of 5.4e-7, two order of magnitude smaller than the quoted error. Timing uncertainty - the counting intervals of 60 s are controlled by a hardware component in a microcontroller, giving a time uncertainty of at most 100 ns. A code review of this element revealed a systematic underestimation of the integration time of 1.33 microseconds, but no jitter other than the clock uncertainty of the controller. The 100 ns is an extremely conservative estimation of this jitter, originated in the PLL in the microcontroller. This contributes a factor in the order of 1e-10 to the final value of S, orders of magnitude smaller than the error associated with the statistics of the process. The systematic overestimation of the integration time is not affecting the result, as all integration intervals were the same 60 seconds. A much more prominent influence on the absolute timing interval has probably the crystal oscillator determining the timing interval, which is specified to 50ppm absolute (not affecting the result of S), and its temperature dependency (specified as below 20ppm/K). Near the timing device, we logged a temperature fluctuation of less than 0.5K in an hour over the experiment, or less than 0.1K in the relevant time interval between two corresponding measurements (like a H/V pair). The realistic timing uncertainty due to temperature fluctuations around the oscillator (thermally shielded from the ambient air by equipment) is much lower than the corresponding 2ppm from the estimation above. An in-situ measurement of the oscillator frequency against an atomic clock in a temperature profile comparable to the time when the Bell measurements were taken (i.e., with similar daily variations in temperature in the lab) revealed a frequency uncertainty below 0.1ppm over the day. The effect of this on the value of S is around 2.8e-9. The systematic errors just presented on a longer time scale than the 8 minutes of corresponding H/V-type measurements can also have a biasing effect to the observed value. This biasing effect is expected to be of the same order of magnitude of the errors and all with the same sign, and will reduce the observed value of S. A similar argument applies for the systematic errors in the angular position of the polarization filters: any error in the reproducibility of the angular position reduces the observed violation. With the current angular uncertainty of 0.1 degrees, the error introduced is of the order of 1.2e-4. So in summary, the uncertainties are still dominated by statistical uncertainties in our experiment, followed by the orientation uncertainty of the polarizing filters. As the measurement of S is a very direct one, and any long term efficiency drifts that do not affect the ratio between corresponding complementary outcomes like H and V only would lower the value of the observed S, we believe that systematic errors in our setup would only lower the degree of violation. As mentioned above, the overestimation of the Poisson contribution was significant; the resulting uncertainty in the quoted value for S changed form 8.2e-4 to 5.1e-4. This resulted in a reduction of the distance from the Grinbaum bound from 2.72 sigma to 4.38 sigma. We did detail a number of uncertainties we considered in the revised manuscript and revised the quoted uncertainty. The other issue the referee had with the manuscript was the lack of explanation of the Grinbaum bound. We completely rewrote the introductory part, and included a brief outline of Grinbaum's idea, and also tried to integrate it better in a wider context of other principles. With this, we feel to have addressed the issues raised by the reviewer, and were able to convince the editor and reviewer that this is not merely another Bell test, but a significant observational contribution in the landscape of principles governing quantum correlations that warrants publication in Physical Review Letters. With Best Regards on behalf of all authors, Christian Kurtsiefer