# reset # set terminal svg fname "Arial" fsize 20.8 size 850 650 # set output "vio.svg" set terminal postscript eps color enhanced size 8.6cm,5.5cm font "Helvetica,16pt" set output "vio2.eps" set multiplot set origin 0,0; set size 0.75,1 unset key set border 3 set xtics 10 set mxtics 2 set ytics 0.1 set xtics nomirror set ytics nomirror set xrange [1970:2019] set yrange [2:2.89] set clip two # allows gnuplot to draw the line even if its end points are out of range set style line 3 default # photonic stuff - red set style line 3 ps .8 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "red" pt 6 lw 1 set style arrow 3 nohead lc rgbcolor "red" lt 1 lw 1 # Atom stuff set style line 4 default set style line 4 ps .8 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "blue" pt 12 lw 1 set style arrow 4 nohead lc rgbcolor "blue" lt 1 lw 1 #Josephson set style line 5 default set style line 5 ps .8 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#800080" pt 4 lw 1 set style arrow 5 nohead lc rgbcolor "#800080" lt 1 lw 1 #NV centers set style line 6 default set style line 6 ps .8 lt 1 lc rgbcolor "#008000" pt 10 lw 1 set style arrow 6 nohead lc rgbcolor "#008000" lt 1 lw 1 set label "Tsirelson bound" at 1980,2.86 set ylabel "Bell parameter S" offset 1 plot 'photonic.dat' u 1:2:3 with yerrorbars ls 3, \ 'photonic.dat' using ($1+$5*2):($2+$6):8 with labels ls 3, \ 'Atom.dat' u 1:2:3 with yerrorbars ls 4, \ '' using ($1+$5*2):($2+$6):8 with labels ls 4, \ 'JosephsonJn.dat' u 1:2:3 with yerrorbars ls 5, \ '' using ($1+$5*2):($2+$6):8 with labels ls 5, \ 'NV.dat' u 1:2:3 with yerrorbars ls 6, \ '' using ($1+$5*2):($2+$6):8 with labels ls 6, \ 2.828427 w l lt 2 lc rgbcolor "black" lw 1 # 'photonic.dat' using ($1-50):2:(100):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 3, # 'Atom.dat' using ($1-50):2:(100):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 4, # 'JosephsonJn.dat' using ($1-50):2:(100):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 5, # 'NV.dat' using ($1-50):2:(100):(0) with vectors arrowstyle 6, # second plot set origin 0.65,0; set size 0.42,1 unset label unset ylabel unset y2label set xrange [2011.5:2015.5] set y2range [2.80:2.86] set y2tics nomirror set y2tics 0.01 unset ytics set xtics 17 set mxtics 0.5 set format y2 "%4.3g" set border 8 # hand-written labels in zoom set label 1 "10" at second 2013, second 2.83 set label 2 "11" at second 2014.15, second 2.823 set label 3 "*" at second 2014.8, second 2.829 plot '-' u 1:2 w l lt 1 lc rgbcolor "black" axes x1y2 , \ '-' u 1:3 w l lt 1 lc rgbcolor "black" axes x1y2 , \ 'photonic.dat' u 1:2:3 with yerrorbars ls 3 axes x1y2 , \ '-' u 1:2 w l lt 2 lc rgbcolor "black" lw 1 axes x1y2 2011.5 2.85393 2.857977 2012 2.85393 2.857977 2013 2.8 2.86 2014.5 2.8 2.86 EOF 2011.5 2.85393 2.857977 2012 2.85393 2.857977 2013 2.8 2.86 2014.5 2.8 2.86 EOF 2013.5 2.82843 2015.5 2.82843 EOF