# set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font 'Helvetica, 16pt'\ # size 8.6cm, 7.5cm dl .5 set terminal postscript eps enhanced color size 8.6cm, 6cm dl 3\ font "Helvetica, 16pt" set output '2ph_fit.eps' set nobars LAB_x = .05 LAB_y = .9 # overall style commands set multiplot layout 2,1 set key off set rmargin at screen 0.95 set lmargin at screen 0.15 #### first plot, trace set border 31 # alignment set bmargin at screen 0.3 #labels set label '(a)' at graph LAB_x, graph LAB_y font 'Helvetica, 16pt' set ylabel 'Signal (mV)' offset 1,0 #ranges set yrange [-7: 34] set xrange [-2: 4.5] # tics set xtics scale 0 set x2tics set ytics 10 set format x '' set format x2 '' plot 'lmfit_raw_data_and_components.dat' u 1:5 w lines lw 4 lc 'orange', \ 'lmfit_raw_data_and_components.dat' u 1:3 w lines lw 3 lc 'blue', \ 'lmfit_raw_data_and_components.dat' u 1:4 w lines lw 3 lc 'red', \ 'lmfit_raw_data_and_components.dat' u 1:2 w lines lw 1 lc 'black' # clean up specific settings unset label unset format x unset xtics unset x2tics ##### bottom plot, fit initialisation # remove top border set border 11 # align the plot with top one set tmargin at screen 0.3 set bmargin at screen 0.15 # hight of the logic steps. Purely aesthetic SETP_H = 0.7 # labels unset label set ylabel font 'Helvetica, 16pt' "Excitation (V)" offset 0, 0 set xlabel font 'Helvetica, 16pt' 'Time ({/Symbol m}s)' offset 1 set label '(b)' at graph LAB_x, graph .8 # ranges # set xrange [-2: 4.5] set yrange [0:5] # tics set ytics 3 set xtics nomirror #set ytics nomirror scale 0 #set format y ' ' # plot plot 'diode_pulse_separated_240ns.dat' u ($1 * 1e-3):($2 * -1) w l lw 3 #from: /disk0/home/jianwei_leejw/analysis/20170405_TES5_SQ1_fit_accuracy_80mK_iBias_104uA_7.2GHZ_100kOhm_cwscript_results/240ns