set terminal postscript eps enhanced color size 8.6cm, 6cm dl 3\ font "Helvetica, 16pt" set output 'pnr_height.eps' Vhx = 9.5 Vhy = 7 unset key unset bars set xlabel 'Maximum pulse height (mV)' enhanced set ylabel 'Number of traces' offset 2,0 set xrange [0:30] # set yrange [1:3038] set yrange [0.85:3500] # set ytics 1000 set logscale y 10 set label 10 'n=0' font 'Helvetica,24' center at 6, 2.5 set label 11 'n>0' font 'Helvetica,24' center at 16, 2.5 # arrows set label 'V_{high}' at Vhx + .5, 1.5 font 'Helvetica, 16pt' front set arrow from Vhx,Vhy to Vhx,1.1 lw 3 head noborder front # plot with error bars # plot 'height_histo.dat' u ($1*1e3):2:3 w yerrorbar pt 6 lc 'black' lw 2 ps .7 notitle#, \ # plot without error bars plot 'height_histo.dat' u ($1*1e3):2 pt 6 lc 'black' lw 2 ps .7 notitle