set terminal postscript eps color enhanced solid font 'Helvetica, 16pt'\ size 8.6cm, 6cm dl .5 set output 'fit_accuracy_powell.eps' set termoption dashlength .6 unset key # unset table # unset margins # set termoption dashlength .6 # diode separations dsep90 = 9.240000123367228468e+01 dsep170 = 1.696000022644028604e+02 dsep240 = 2.388000031883220231e+02 dsep500 = 4.932000065849262569e+02 dsep950 = 9.504000126892011622e+02 box_color = '#87CEFA' #labels set xlabel 'Laser pulse pair delay {/Symbol D}t_p ({/Symbol m}s)' # set xlabel 'Laser pulse pair delay {/Symbol D}t ({/Symbol m}s)' set ylabel '{/Symbol D}t - {/Symbol D}t_p(ns)' #offset 2,0 # ranges set yrange [-90:75] set xrange [0:1] set xtics 0.2 unset bars # set boxwidth 0.02 # set style fill solid plot 2.735 notitle lc 'grey' w filledcurves y=0, \ -2.735 notitle lc 'grey' lw 3 w filledcurves y=0, \ 'g2_90ns_renormed.dat' using ((dsep90 + $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep90) with filledcurve x=dsep90/1000 lc rgb box_color, \ '' using ((dsep90 - $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep90) with filledcurve x=dsep90/1000 lc rgb box_color, \ 'g2_170ns_masked.dat' using ((dsep170 + $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep170) with filledcurve x=dsep170/1000 lc rgb box_color, \ '' using ((dsep170 - $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep170) with filledcurve x=dsep170/1000 lc rgb box_color, \ 'g2_240ns_masked.dat' using ((dsep240 + $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep240) with filledcurve x=dsep240/1000 lc rgb box_color,\ '' using ((dsep240 - $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep240) with filledcurve x=dsep240/1000 lc rgb box_color, \ 'g2_500ns_masked.dat' using ((dsep500 + $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep500) with filledcurve x=dsep500/1000 lc rgb box_color,\ '' using ((dsep500 - $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep500) with filledcurve x=dsep500/1000 lc rgb box_color, \ 'g2_950ns_masked.dat' using ((dsep950 + $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep950) with filledcurve x=dsep950/1000 lc rgb box_color,\ '' using ((dsep950 - $2*300.)/1000):($1-dsep950) with filledcurve x=dsep950/1000 lc rgb box_color,\ 'gaussfit_result.dat' using ($1/1000):($4-$1):($3-$1):($5-$1) with yerrorbars lt 1 pt 6 ps 1 lc 'black' lw 2 notitle, \ 0 lc 'red' notitle #dashtype 2 notitle # 'gaussfit_result.dat' using ($1/1000):($3-$1):($2-$1):($6-$1):($5-$1) notitle with candlesticks lc 'blue' lw 2, \ # 'gaussfit_result.dat' using ($1/1000):($4-$1):($4-$1):($4-$1):($4-$1) notitle with candlesticks lt 1 lc 'black' lw 2, \